Luca Barolli

I was born in Parma, Italy on 08/14/1978.  I spent my childhood in the countryside (Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, Parma Province), and my grandparents’ farm was really where I learnt the distinct value of organic and simple food products for cooking.  My grandma used to cook every Sunday for more than 20 people; starting from homemade bread to dessert and with the products she grew on the farm. Sunday was my favorite day of the week; woke up early to make bread from scratch and spent all morning running after my grandmother and aunts to watch, taste, and discover this incredible and fascinating dimension of food.

I started cooking in my grandmother’s kitchen when I was 12 years old; and my obsession with food and cooking expanded when I discovered the pleasure of various wines made in my region, and how these two apparently different worlds could be combined to allow people to experience greater joy from their practice of eating. 

I studied Contemporary Art at the University of Parma while simultaneously conducting my own research in my spare time on natural and organic foods, wines and the myriad grapes grown in my region, and all the national certified products protected by Italian law (ie. DOP, DOC, DOCG, IGP). During my time studying at the University, I also started exploring art using various media including: metal and stone sculpturing, painting, and performance art; all the while connecting my passion with food by using spaghetti to make lamps and metal to create typical Italian dishes.


Life Is Art

I consider myself a performance artist regardless of the media or practice.  From the birth of a new idea through its execution, my work never remains static and always involves my environment and clients.  With cooking for example, I start by working alongside my client to create a menu that encompasses their vision for the night.  Every event is different, designed around the people who want to share the experience together.  Cooking Italian food is the only way I know how to share my passion for art and cooking.  My ultimate goal is to have every dish, every bite, and every glass of wine tell a story; a story about one of the most beautiful and incredible countries in the world, Italy. My cooking is inspired from the Italian food I grew up with in my region and the combination with different wines that have given me a unique gift; the opportunity and ability to create a taste that captures over 3,000 years of Italian history in one menu.


With its diversity, dynamic, young, passionate, and curious population is the perfect new home for me. I moved here in June 2014 after marrying my wife and best friend. Having the opportunity to offer cooking classes and plan personal events in people’s homes has allowed me to connect with the city in a way I was not able to in my hometown. I have had incredible opportunities to meet new friends from all social and economic classes, and to share the one common passion among us all, feeding our souls. Yes, I am talking about creating a ‘soul kitchen’, where people can satisfy their souls through different tastes, colors, sounds, textures, and socializing with those around them.